
Women guitarists are increasing in popularity on social media and changing the face of music

by CBS News

Former 3 O’Clock Rock student Grace Bowers was featured on CBS!

Despite her initial struggles with learning the guitar, her perseverance turned her small online following into widespread recognition, earning Bowers spots on grand stages like the Newport Folk Festival and a national New Year's Eve broadcast on CBS.…

Best Child Prodigy: Francis Lau

by East Bay Express

Former 3 O’Clock Rock student Francis Lau was featured in EBX!

Francis plays in a band called the Double Helix at Three O’Clock Rock, as well as his solo endeavor, the Francis Lau Experience. Earlier this summer, he became the youngest musician to perform at Burger Boogaloo, where he got to meet the members of Devo…but a few weeks after, he was on stage with a member of Devo himself…

3 O'Clock Rock: Educating Oakland's Next Generation Of Musical Talent

by hoodline

When Billy Ribak started teaching music more than a decade ago, he got paid in hot meals. After impressing a teenaged neighbor with his drumming skills, Ribak offered the young man lessons; afterwards, he’d join the family for dinner. As satisfied parents gave him referrals, he gradually became a full-time music educator, working with schools and visiting homes to give private lessons…

Growing East Bay music program, Three O'Clock Rock, lets kids let loose

by KTVU Fox 2

The Jet Stars wrote all but two of the songs themselves, but it’s worth mentioning that the band members are all 13-year-olds. They’re attending the school of rock and roll, or to be more exact, they are students in Ribak’s after-school program, Three O’Clock Rock…